Wednesday, October 9, 2013

New Yorkers get a taste of the supernatural with 'Carrie' promo

A few New Yorkers experienced an elaborate promotional tactic for the new movie Carrie earlier this month. A café full of actors and special effects were used to convince unsuspecting customers that people with telekinesis (the power to move objects with your mind) really exist.

For these customers the day started out normal as they recited their usual orders of coffee and pastries to the barista. Then a man accidentally spilled a woman’s coffee all over her lap and computer. Accidents like this happen more often than not, but what the customers didn’t know was that half of the people in the café were paid actors and their scene had just begun.

The woman yelled at the man, stood up, and thrust her hand towards him even though he was more than a few feet away. It didn’t matter though; in sync with her arm he flew against the wall where it appeared she was holding him without even touching him. The routine coffee goers realized this wasn’t so routine and watched in amusement, not knowing what else to think.

The woman then pulled back her arm, releasing the man from the wall and stared at her hands in disbelief. It became very apparent that she was concerned with what just happened and when she finally put her hands down the tables and chairs move away from her, again without being physically touched. At this point in time customers were no longer amused, but in a state of horror.

The final piece to this gag was the woman letting out a scream that sent books literally flying off shelves and customers running out the door in fear.

Coffee shop promo:

Clearly billboards and bus stop posters were too mundane for this much-awaited reboot of Stephen King’s bestseller. The line used in both the official trailer and the promotional video is “There are other people out there like me who can do what I can do”, spoken by Carrie, but no one can do it quite like a social outcast scorned.

Carrie (played by Chloe Grace Moretz) and her overbearing, ultra-religious mother (played by Julianne Moore) hit theaters Friday, Oct. 18 in this brilliant sci-fi horror. 

Carrie official trailer:


  1. This is the best marketing idea I think I've ever seen. How original to bring it right into the center of people's lives. Everyone freaked out! I particularly loved the construction worker who, instead of running away like everyone else, stood there with a look on his face like, "I should do something to help. What the heck can I do?"

  2. This is great. I like how they tried to make this "real" and put unknowing people right I the center. However, I think this idea as a promotional tool can either help them or hurt them because some people might be so freaked out that they would never want to see the film.

  3. This is Hilarious. I would be freaking out if i was actually there, but i think it was a great idea for them. its gets the word out about the movie and it will really get people talking. you dont see something like that and not talk about it to everyone you meet.

  4. I love the expressions the customers faces. Many of them look scared but some look like they are laughing? But anyways this is such a great idea they had. I wonder if someone ever called the police? Great way to get people to start talking about the movie.
