Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Mark your calendars for 'Jurassic Park' four

Universal Pictures, owned by Comcast’s NBCUniversal, announced Tuesday, Sept. 10, that the fourth installment of the Jurassic Park series will be released Friday, June 12, 2015. The movie will be titled Jurassic World and will be filmed in 3-D.

This soon to be summer blockbuster will be produced by Steven Spielberg, director of the first two films: Jurassic Park (1993) and The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997). Universal Pictures also announced the director of this film will be Colin Trevorrow, director of Safety Not Guaranteed. No cast members or plot have been made public yet, although there are some speculations as to what may happen.

The reason Jurassic Park was such a big hit is because, at the time, not many movies had extravagant special effects. The sequels gradually decreased in ratings because there was nothing new and exciting for viewers to awe at. With movies like Avatar (2009) and Inception (2010), the bar has been dramatically raised for special effects in the movie industry. In order for Jurassic World to be a hit and not a miss, it needs to utilize multiple technologies available for movies today, not just 3-D, and it needs to have a plot that’s worth seeing more than once.

It has been 12 years since the release of Jurassic Park III (2001) and by the time Jurassic World is set to release, it will have been 22 years since the original movie Jurassic Park. One can only hope that with this amount of time in between films, they will do it up right.

Coming soon: Jurassic World, Friday, June 12, 2015


  1. Nice post. Do you think people will still be feeling "Jurassic" fatigue after so many years without a new installment? I wonder if it will lead to major disappointment--like with the new Indiana Jones movie a few years ago. Folks were so excited for Crystal Skull, only to leave theaters thinking, "What the heck?" -- Prof. Martin

  2. I'm actually really excited about this movie. Jurassic Park is my best friend's favorite movie, so I constantly hear him go on and on about it. I hope the new movie isn't a let down.

  3. I wonder if it will be better then the previous movies or somewhat the same.

  4. WOW! So awesome! I've always been a huge fan of Jurassic park my whole life! I'm so looking forward to what else they can bring and a new story line for sure!
